Check this out : Benefits of Voluntary Registration and its Cancellation

A person who does not fall under compulsory registration requirements as mentioned here is not required to register for GST.

However, registering for GST has many advantages like:

  • Input Credit : The major benefit is input credit availment. If you are unregistered person you cannot take credit and hence your cost would increase. To remain competitive you must register.
  • E- Commerce Registration:  People who sell through eCommerce are required to register. So if you are planning for e-store better to register.
  • Goodwill:  If you are registered for GST your goodwill among your trader/manufacturer community would increase.
  • Decreased cost : If you are unregsitered, you can't take input credit on goods and services and hence it would add to your cost. If you register you are eligible for credit and hence overall cost of product/service would be decreased.
Cancellation of Registration:

If you haven't commenced business for 6 months from date of registration you can ge the registration cancelled.

Such cancellation will be done by –
  • a proper officer OR
  • requested by the concerned person himself * OR
  • on an application filed by his legal heirs, in case of death of such person
* Catch : Aplication for cancellation of registration by the concerned person who has registered voluntarily will be only after one year from the date of registration.
Check our article about registration here.
Check this out : Benefits of Voluntary Registration and its Cancellation Check this out : Benefits of Voluntary Registration and its Cancellation Reviewed by Author on June 01, 2017 Rating: 5
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