Luxury cars to become costlier, thanks to Cess; Ordinance likely for Cess on Luxury Cars; Luxury Cars under GST

Ordinance on increment in cess on extravagance autos is probably going to be declared by the administration inside weeks,

The GST (Goods and Services Tax) Council had prescribed an expansion in the top on cess of SUVs, vast, moderate sized and extravagance autos to 25 percent from 15 percent now.

The mandate will make Honda City, Maruti Ciaz, and almost 50 others costlier

Prices of most of these vehicles had dropped 10-15 percent as excise, sales tax, VAT and other taxes like Octroi got subsumed under GST.

Under the new roundabout assessment administration, autos pull in the best expense rate of 28 for every penny.

 Over this, a cess of 1-15 percent is as of now required to make a corpus to repay states for loss of income from GST usage.

Check more interesting articles on GST here

Luxury cars to become costlier, thanks to Cess; Ordinance likely for Cess on Luxury Cars; Luxury Cars under GST Luxury cars to become costlier, thanks to Cess; Ordinance likely for
Cess on Luxury Cars; Luxury Cars under GST Reviewed by Author on August 21, 2017 Rating: 5
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